C Wirthy Salmon, Atlantic

Boneless skinless center cut fillets. Premium seafood. Naturally high omega-3 fatty acids. No additives. No preservatives. Individually wrapped. Gluten free. Ocean-Farmed Atlantic Salmon Fast Facts: Ocean-farmed Atlantic Salmon is one of the best source of Omega-3 fatty acids. The USDA Nutrient Database. Ranks ocean-farmed salmon higher in Omega-3 than most fish. The fatty acids known as Omega-3 are essential to growth in young children. Fish high in Omega-3 reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure. The American Heart Association and US Department of Health & Human Services recommends eating a 3-oz portion of fish high in Omega-3 at least twice a week (Information provided by The Institute of Medicine report Seafood Choices published in 2006 and The Harvard School of Pubic Health); Ocean-farmed Atlantic Salmon is a great source of high quality, affordable protein. Ocean-farmed salmon contains 1/3 of the saturated fat in lean ground beef and 50% less saturated fat than chicken. Our salmon is quality-proven with 100% traceability - from seaside to tableside; Ocean-farmed Atlantic Salmon is not only good for you, it's good for the environment. Sustainability means meeting the needs of today without depleting supplies for generations to come. It's eco-intelligence. Our farms are based on this belief and continue to improve their aquaculture to ensure the eco-system is protected. It is cultivated with the strictest quality assurance standards. The feed our salmon receives contains a naturally occurring carotenoid found in marine organisms like shrimp. Carotenoids impart the same health benefits as vitamin A and can act as an antioxidant that helps both fish and people stay healthy. Coloring is never added to the fish itself. For more ocean-farmed salmon facts, great recipes and tips visit www.cwirthy.com or scan this code with your mobile phone QR reader. For more information on omega-3 fatty acids visit www.cwirthy.com. Farm raised product of Chile.