Sunbeam White Bread Ranch
Sunbeam® Ranch White Bread. Stroehmann®. Pennsylvania Dutch bakers. Enriched white bread. Per 2 slice serving. 120 calories. 0g sat fat, 0% DV. 230mg sodium, 10% DV. 3g sugars.
The Little Miss Sunbeam® story: Created by well-known children's book illustrator Ellen Segner in the early 1940s, Little Miss Sunbeam was actually drawn from life, based on a little blue-eyed blond girl Ellen saw playing in New York city's Washington square park. Based upon these drawings, Ms. Segner developed the original oil painting that became the Sunbeam trademark. Miss Sunbeam® on the label has meant freshness and quality to over 3 generations of bread buyers! Grains For Life™. For information about food and health, go to We are committed to providing you with quality products and welcome your questions and comments. Call 1-800-984-0989, Consumer Relations Department. When writing, please include the "best by" date and coding as well as the bar code and numbers. ©All rights reserved. Registered trademark of quality bakers of America Cooperative, Inc.